At a specially called meeting of all clubs, a comprehensive description of what clubs will have to do whilst in training was given by way of a zoom video conference.
The harsh reality of where amateur football stands was strongly told to club delegates, and exactly what role we all have to play was explained in detail.
A slide presentation giving detail was show to all clubs and topics such as covid officers and covid courses and trace registers were fully described.
The league have advised the minimum that must be done whilst we are in training mode and match protocols would follow soon as well as warning clubs that failure to ensure protocols were adhered to, would be treated with the full force of disciplinary action.
The league President stated..” let’s be blunt, we simply cannot afford to mess this up, failure to do what is needed could have dire consequences that none of us want, and the safety off all must be the most important thing we do. If it feels like we have just started from where we stopped, then your not doing things right, and putting lives at risk”
The league appealed to all clubs to ensure they get the relevant covid training and supply details of such.